Our Programs

The Montessori Approach

The Montessori Method of education is based on the observation and discoveries of Dr.Maria Montessori. She was the first woman physician in Italy.graduating from the Royal University of Rome in 1896 From her many years of observation of children she began to design activites that would help the individual development of each child. iven a carefully prepared learning enviroment, children work toward perfecting their concentration, inner control, and will. A Montessori program is an individualized program designed to help develop concentration. coordination and independence as well as give good experience with academic concepts. The classroom environment allows the child to develop his or her social sense and awareness of others in a natural and unrushed way. Montessori education is education for life.

Unfolding Life with Montessori

We incorporate the best features of the Maria Montessoriapproach by maintaining great focus on social development which prepares kids for responsibility,compassion for other as well as self-motivation.

Our regular montessori work cycles engage children to teach life skills, instill self confidence and lay the groundwork for academic excellence. These sessions are focused on each child's absorbs new concepts easily and naturally. Our Montessori Certified educators personally design self-directed activites to promote hands-on learning and collaborative play. Children are encouraged to work in groups as well as individually to navigate through these activites to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential.

Know your World with Reggio

The Reggio Emilia approach Works best for this age group because it focuses on achieving its learning outcomes by addressing children's curiosity and creativity. the more children see, touch and observe, the more they learn and retain about the ever changingly beautiful world around them. Our Reggio sessions involve innovative play based activites that use natural materials and drive from observing nature and all of it wonders. When we encourage children and give them an opportunity to observe the phenomenon of nature, there seems to be no concept too hard for the little ones to understand. There is no limit to learning, as long as it remains FUN!